
VA Toshiyuki Morikawa

  • Date of birth

  • Birthplace

  • Blood type

    Type AB
  • Height

  • Body weight

  • Occupation

  • Likes

  • Dislikes

  • Character

    Aloof and mysterious
  • Hobbies

    To be abused by the protagonist
  • Special skills

A self-proclaimed magician, full of mystery.
Guides the protagonist and plays a navigational role in the story.
He was also the one who sent the protagonist back in time. In addition to Charlie, he is also known as Shoukyokusai Tenichi.
  • “I can’t get enough of it...That cold stare. Are you trying to burn me in the flames of absolute zero?”
  • “Because you're right next to me.”
  • "Bear with me for a minute. How about we pretend we are lovers?"
  • “Why do your eyes look so moist? Did you want to see me so much that you have become this emotional?”
  • “I don’t have any particular business. If anything, I think that she came here to meet me.”
  • “You know that with the efforts I am making here,I am crossing a rather dangerous bridge. You know, the Washington Treaty thing.”
Language: 日本語 | English | 繁體中文 | 简体中文