Mori Ougai

VA Daisuke Namikawa

  • Date of birth

  • Birthplace

    Shimane prefecture
  • Blood type

    Type B
  • Height

  • Body weight

  • Occupation

    Novelist, military doctor, or bureaucrat
  • Likes

    Sweet food (steamed buns with tea and fruit compote)
  • Dislikes

    Public bathhouse
  • Character

  • Hobbies

    Outdoor bath
  • Special skills

A novelist, doctor, and super elite bureaucrat.
He entered the university’s medical school (now Tokyo University Medical School) at the age of 11, pretending to be two years older than his actual age, and graduated at the top of his class.
However, his practice of being naked at home may have positioned him slightly ahead of his time and alienated those around him.
  • “I agree with the policy of ‘let the pretty girl travel’. Because there is no such thing as a wasted experience in life.”
  • “Ha ha, rest assured. He is a nice young man, but I am not going to give Little Squirrel over to him so easily.”
  • “Come on Syunso! You can’t sleep here. At least wait until you are in the rickshaw before sleeping.”
  • “Come now. Look me in the eye.”
  • “Do you get it? You belong to me. That is how things will work while you are in this mansion.”
  • “Okay then. I will take you right away,Please, take my hand,”
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