Hishida Syunso


  • Date of birth

  • Birthplace

    Nagano prefecture
  • Blood type

    Type O
  • Height

  • Body weight

  • Occupation

    Apprentice Japanese artist
  • Likes

  • Dislikes

  • Character

    Calm, serious, and fickle
  • Hobbies

  • Special skills

Art student who recently moved to Tokyo from Nagano, Shinshu.
Taciturn and cool character. Midway through, he was half-coerced to stay at the Mori home on the invitation of Ougai.
However, when he finds someone he wants to paint, he has the odd habit of hitting on that person, regardless of who they are.
However, he is unaware of this trait in himself.
  • “Unless I get this close, I won’t be able to see you properly.”
  • “It's your fault for being too insensitive. I can’t believe you can’t wake up even when this happens in your sleep...”
  • “Hey! It hurts when you grab me that hard.”
  • “Ah... so this is the famous woman with the iron stomach who ate two stewed beef lunch boxes?”
  • “I haven’t lived long enough where I would have no regrets about leaving my life in her hands.”
  • “...Ougai-san. I’m sleepy.”
Language: 日本語 | English | 繁體中文 | 简体中文