Izumi Kyoka

VA Nobuhiko Okamoto

  • Date of birth

  • Birthplace

    Ishikawa prefecture
  • Blood type

    Type A
  • Height

  • Body weight

  • Occupation

  • Likes

  • Dislikes

  • Character

    Fastidious, in fact, gets lonely.
  • Hobbies

    Collects rabbit goods
  • Special skills

He dropped out of Hokuriku Eiwa School and moved from the countryside to Tokyo to become a playwright.
He has quite a nervous disposition and tends to speak in a harsh manner.
He stays at the home of his teacher, Kouyou Ozaki, and collecting rabbit-themed goods is his secret hobby.
  • “I told you not to come! Go away! Shoo, shoo!”
  • “Hold still. Don’t come crying to me if you move and it gets stuck in your head.”
  • “I selfishly just liked you, you know...”
  • “Are you stupid? Don’t you even know what one yen is?”
  • “But just finding a reason to go home and then doing it seems somehow wrong.”
  • “Just so you know, I have no interest at all in where you plan to go home. Whether it is America or Mars. Go where you like!”
Language: 日本語 | English | 繁體中文 | 简体中文