Fujita Goro

VA Jun Fukuyama

  • Date of birth

  • Birthplace

    Fukushima prefecture
  • Blood type

    Type A
  • Height

  • Body weight

  • Occupation

  • Likes

    Kunishige Onigimaru
  • Dislikes

    Mononoke, idle chatter
  • Character

    Taciturn, unsociable, actually caring
  • Hobbies

    Practice, training
  • Special skills

A police officer who belongs to the Youra division of the Police Department.
They are responsible for monitoring humans with the ability to create Bake no kami and Mononoke.
He is admired by all for being proficient swordsman but is shunned by everyone because of his brusque and intimidating attitude.
  • “Anyone who defies us will be captured without mercy. Whether they are cut down or not depends on the prey,”
  • “...There’s no use trying to escape. Don’t think you can match me for strength.”
  • “However much you worry me, it doesn’t change the fact that I have decided to protect you.”
  • “It doesn’t matter if you are a chrysanthemum or a weed in Kagurazaka, but you are blocking my path. Move or I will arrest you.”
  • “...Unfortunately, we did not learn how to treat women in Officer Training School.”
  • “In the end, meat is only as good as what you cook it with...”
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