Koizumi Yakumo

VA Shinnosuke Tachibana

  • Date of birth

  • Birthplace

  • Blood type

    Type O
  • Height

  • Body weight

  • Occupation

    Lecturer at Tokyo Imperial University
  • Likes

    Mononoke, ghost stories
  • Dislikes

    Western culture
  • Character

    Friendly and knowledgeable
  • Hobbies

    Sea bathing
  • Special skills

    Languages in general
A foreigner born in Greece and raised in Ireland, he has a love for Japan.
He is known as Yakumo Koizumi, which is his Japanese name. He appears to be friendly and cheerful on the outside; in reality, he is a black-hearted person.
Although he earns his living as an English lecturer at Tokyo Imperial University, he is solely interested in the study of Japanese Mononoke. He spends his days and nights collecting information on Mononoke.
  • “Unless you listen to me, I will need to... you will put me in a position where I will have to restrain you by force.”
  • “I hope one day that you will like me.”
  • “Unfortunately, I am not a mononoke. I am just a foreigner who loves Japan very much. I am no prey for you.”
  • “What a fortunate occurrence to see you again in such a place. I cannot help feeling it is destiny!”
  • “Wow! Your hakuma was so pretty,but this outfit suits you really well, too! You look like a chrysanthemum doll!”
  • “No! No way! Mori-san! Don’t let Mei marry a man of such unknown origins!”
Language: 日本語 | English | 繁體中文 | 简体中文